Big Data Testing
We usually talk about Big Data in a technical sense, as a way of managing and analyzing the data that because of its high volume cannot be treated by a traditional software. In Order to face their strategies in a competitive way, the companies must treat the data without failures or errors It’s just where testing comes into play.
New technologies are forcing the appearance of macro-trends that affect businesses in all sectors and the It in a specific way: In Globe Testing we have already dealt with topics such as Agile methodologies or Digital transformation, today is the Big Data turn.
Normally we do not realize how important it is for a business strategy, sometimes a thin line separates success from failure and a bad decision can mean millionaire losses and in some cases even natural disasters, let’s remember that Big Data not only processes common data such as related to mobile devices, also manages those related to electric meters, weather vane, anemometers.
The data itself is a business opportunity
Of course, there are millions of tools and professionals with enviable aptitudes for business, but the data itself is a business opportunity. Companies are already using Big Data to understand the profile, needs and feelings of their customers regarding to the products and /or services. This is about really relevant information, failures and errors in the process are not permitted this is where testing comes into play.
The most common would be to start with a generic description to go deeper into more technical topics, but it is a very extensive topic that would give many blog eposts an in Globe Testing, we love thinking out of the box and we know that among our followers there are a very few clueless, many of you could write a post about this issue with hardly any effort, so our work is as always select all the quality content in order to waste your time in consulting different sources. Here below we offer you the compilation of some of the best articles about Big Data:
- The Consultant, Sateesh Rai tells us in his article which are the best methods of testing for Big Data.
- On Guru 99´s blog you will find a summary on the challenges of testing for big data with special attention to the functional and performance typologies
- Adaesquare recommends the one they consider the best tool
- On Apica`s Blog we found a selection of the 5 testing trends for Big Data
- Also are interesting theseabout Amazon Webservices