Do you have SAP in your company? Are your customers leaving because the transactions are too slow? Do you waste time running the same processes over and over, when they could be automated?

In Globe we are specialized in software testing and automation on SAP systems.

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Complex functionality

After years implementing a new functionality and adapting SAP to your business, now you have to move to a new environment. Ensure that the most complex functionalities are working.

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Low performance

Your users are running out of ways of telling this to you – “SAP is too slow and I cannot work!”. Listen to them and do not tell yourself any more excuses. Optimize the performance of your SAP system with Globe performance testing.

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When SAP is unavailable or is working too slow, it affects your production, your turnover, and many other key processes. Prevent the problems before they happen and monitor your business processes 24/7.

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Globe Testing offers flexible solutions for every need.

It does not matter which SAP modules, versions, or configurations you might have in your company: Globe Testing can run the tests.

Whether in R/3, NetWeaver, FI/CO or HR/HCM environments, you can check our success stories. Other companies already benefit from our experience.

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How do we implement SAP testing?

HP Software and Globe Testing, a winning combo

The monitoring, management, and test automation tools of HP Software are the only tools 100% approved by SAP.

In Globe, as an HP Business Class Partner, we have in-depth knowledge of these tools, as well as ample experience in their implementation and use. The quality and capacities of HP Software tools, in combination with our experience and technical know-how, allow us to offer solutions to give you full control of your SAP platform in order to ensure its proper functionality, performance, and availability.

Are you sure that your custom developments for your SAP system fulfill all the functional expectations and preconditions? Do you fear that implementing new functionalities can affect the global reliability of the system? Do you worry about the system stability every time you patch up or update your SAP platform?

If you have had these thoughts and want to find efficient solutions, functional testing is the answer Whether it be to fulfill internal SLAs defined within your organization or to ensure that your SAP provider is holding to the quality standards required in such a critical environment as a SAP platform, the functional testing team at Globe will define and carry out a strategy to validate each one of your critical transactions, manually or automatically, using the advanced capabilities of HP Software to this end..

In Globe we are aware that several of the tasks that analysts, developers, and members of the testing team are repetitive, boring, and therefore prone to contain mistakes.

For this reason, in Globe we recommend to automate the processes. For this, once again HP Software tools guarantee complete support “out of the box” of every SAP system. In Globe we work with HP Unified Functional Testing to offer total automation solutions for business processes within SAP environments.

The more significant are the business processes supported on a platform, more critical is the availability and performance of the latter for the business.

A single change in a SAP transaction can jeopardize the global performance of the platform. The expected capability, the complexity, and the expected number of users present in this kind of environments are factors that demand a good performance in any SAP platform. Performance testing can help us to answer the following questions:

  • Will my SAP system work and be scalable when it goes into production? Will it still work in demanding times, such as the end of the month or the summer season?
  • If there is a performance problem, will my team be qualified to determine the root of the problem quickly and efficiently?
  • Are we optimizing the performance of the software infrastructure?

One of the most feared indicators amongst SAP system managers is the Mean Time To Resolution.

Despite the fact that it might look impossible to determine and diagnose issues in SAP environments, the combined force of HP Diagnostics and the experience of Globe advisors make this feasible. HP Diagnostics is a powerful software for in-depth analysis of SAP Netweaver and SAP R/3, even detecting SQL queries that could be slowing down the whole system, and thus reducing the time investment to detect the root of the issues of our SAP system. HP Diagnostics for SAP gives SAP managers the forllowing capabilities:

  • To analyze the affected transactions, methods, and components in order to detect any issues, even in the SAP R/3 back-end.
  • To give a global vision of the services hosted in SAP Enterprise Portal using automatic detection of all the components related to business processes, without user intervention. Cut down the time needed to detect bottlenecks in SAP applications.
  • To offer a breakdown of SAP R / 3 system layers, allowing the quick identification of any performance problems in order to send them to the team in charge of their resolution .

Developers cannot test their own code.

Do not make your SAP implementer carry out the system testing: contact us for a fair quality assessment of your application.

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