Wear the Dress that Breathes Credibility and Confidence
Much more than “wear the dress,” it is important to dress it in the correct way and adjust to the mission and organizational values.
Given the current economic and financial environment of our country, companies are much more selective in the application of their resources, prioritizing their application and thus reducing their costs to the maximum.
Take an active and determined stance.
Many companies still feature an old-fashioned, outdated and misfit dress code, in some cases completely out of step with their current values, corporate principles and identity.
Therefore, it is imperative to have a dress code appropriate to the business or sector in which they operate.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how much a good corporate image is worth!
In an increasingly competitive organizational environment, where commonalities are much greater than differences, it is crucial to increase employee engagement and performance by optimizing your reputation with customers, boosting sales and projecting a modern image abroad, both proactive and reliable.
Corporate image is not enough.
Invest in the definition and subsequent disclosure of an excellent corporate image, but leaving the image of the employees to a second or third plan is a risk, given the possible discredit of the company, to the inconsistency of their corporate message.
The corporate image of employees encompasses much more than just the clothes you wear, the footwear you choose or the accessories that complement the look.
Hair and nail care, make-up (for the ladies) and the beard (for men) should not be forgotten and neglected, since the image covers all the small and meager details of the appearance.
The image of employees should be a dynamic and current mirror of the corporate image that the company communicates to its stakeholders and should not be neglected in any way.
Beyond Appearance
The image also encompasses posture, attitude and body language in the organizational context in which the company operates.
What good is it to display an impeccable appearance if the body language that is transmitted does not reflect a careful, current and irreproachable image?
Not worth anything, absolutely nothing!
Design your company’s image of success through the most valuable assets: your employees. Yes, they are important … very important!
Be competitive, be innovative and dare to make a difference: wear your company’s dress, providing all the support and training tools to your employees so they can wear their dress effectively and together they can win!