By |2020-10-15T13:22:32+00:00September 15th, 2018|Lead, REBBIT|

MY TOP FIVE LEADERSHIP COMMANDMENTS   Leaders aren't born leaders. Leaders are made by work and experience essentially. I have chosen 5 characteristics that I find mandatory for every leader to have and train.   Leaders work very hard.   Success only comes before Work in one place: the Dictionary. The Leader has to be


By |2020-10-15T11:15:38+00:00September 15th, 2018|Lead, REBBIT|

IN THE FUTURE, TEAMWORK WILL BE EVEN MORE VALUED!  Profile Sérgio Pereira, born in South Africa, is married, has 2 children and loves traveling, already having lived in 11 countries.   After achieving his Master’s Degree in electronic engineering at Imperial College in London, Sérgio started his career as an engineer at Toyota in Brussels.

How to Identify Persuasive People and Professionals

By |2020-10-14T16:15:37+00:00June 14th, 2018|Lead, REBBIT|

How to Identify Persuasive People and Professionals Persuasive professionals are those who convey trust in an integrated network of other people and professionals with whom they work together to achieve common and shared goals.   We have been able to identify several characteristics of these professionals, of which I highlight in the following.    They

Free Will: What Space Does It Have on Social Networks?

By |2020-10-14T11:13:55+00:00March 14th, 2018|Lead, REBBIT|

Free Will: What Space Does It Have on Social Networks? As we expose our preferences and data, are we losing our free will among divine algorithms that will constitute the heavenly chart of our lives?   The present challenge that the massive use of social networks poses is immensely significant and provides us with an

How Can You Have A Fantastic Culture In Your Company?

By |2020-10-13T16:20:25+00:00March 13th, 2018|Lead, REBBIT|

How Can You Have A Fantastic Culture In Your Company? Creating and maintaining a fantastic culture in an organization or team is not always easy, but often is not always that difficult.   To implement and practice, over and over again, some essential elements. ___________ Know that great ideas can come from anywhere. A company

What can leaders do to spread confidence?

By |2020-06-23T16:09:11+00:00September 30th, 2017|Lead|

What can leaders do to spread confidence? Leaders are critical keys within a team or an organization. They can either inspire or depress their people. In a fast-paced environment, incertain and volable, being a leader is increasingly hard. Honesty, gratitude, being able to be an example, feedback and servicing a profile for their team are

If you were forming professionals for your competition, what would you do?

By |2020-06-23T16:41:25+00:00August 30th, 2017|Lead|

If you were forming professionals for your competition, what would you do? What if the sustainability of the business resulted from our ability to transfer expertise from the more experienced to the less experienced? In a highly competitive labor market, particularly in the information technology segment, different paths can be traced to the careful management

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