Develop Apps with Flutter
It’s amazing how productive it can be to develop Apps with Flutter. The live reload mode is ultra fast and is very well integrated in Visual Studio Code.
Developing with Flutter and Visual Studio Code from Okode on Vimeo.
And yes, it is true: the user interface is rendered in its own native view without the need to use widgets from the native platform.
For those who are not familiar, Flutter is an open source mobile framework created by Google, based on its programming language, Dart. In February 2018, Google demonstrated the first beta version of the Mobile World Congress, and in May, it presented the third version in its I / O event. Currently Flutter is released in version 1.0 since the end of 2018 and is available for iOS / Android multiplatform development officially.
The reasons why Flutter increases the productivity of the multiplatform Apps development are:
Accelerates the developer’s workflow. Flutter maintains the state of the application even between modifications and recompilations of code so that when the code is reloaded the state of the App remains intact and the debugging can be continued where it was left. It is practically instantaneous and from the development point of view you can immediately see the changes as well as see the impact that only the most recent ones had.
Write the code only once and operate on multiple platforms. Developing on multiple mobile platforms is a challenge for most companies that create applications and with Flutter you can achieve an almost native result without making efforts for each platform.
The ready-to-use support for Material Design generates an experience of a native App. The Google team has invested in Material Design, its design language that allows you to manage from the animations to the shape and color of a button in the application. Google created a graphical interface library for Flutter to facilitate the rapid creation of a Material Design experience for Android and iOS applications that behave as expected from each operating system.