Configuration identification

Term: “configuration identification”. It is the element of the configuration management consisting of the selection of system configuration elements and the logging of the functional and physical characteristics in the technical documentation. [IEEE 610]

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Defect density

En Inglés: “defect density”. It is the number of defects found in a component or system divided by the size of it (expressed in terms of standard measures, such as lines of code, number of classes or function points).

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Wideband Delphi

Term: “Wideband Delphi”. It is the skill-based test estimation technique with the goal of making an accurate estimation using the collective knowledge of the team members.

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Data definition

Term: “data definition”. It is the executable statement in which a variable has an allocated value.

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Term: “defect”. A defect is the imperfection in a component or system that can render the component or system unable to perform the required functions, such as an incorrect statement or data definition. If a defect is found during an execution, it can cause a failure in the component or...

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Term: “decision”. It is the point of a program in which the control flow has two or more alternative branches. A node with two or more links to separate branches.

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Test data

Term: “test data”. They are the existing data (for example, a database) before a test is carried out, and that affect or are affected the component or system under testing.

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